Posts Tagged ‘gulf oil spill 2010


Bad news comes in threes.

Again, it’s been a while since I last posted, and I’m actually not sure how much time has passed. I’m still working quite a bit, partly because I’m not allowed sick days. Hypoglycemia is an illness, thank you very much, as are hypersomnia and my various mental issues. My bosses don’t officially know about that last set, but I have the right not to mention it to them.

In addition to all of that, my wisdom teeth (yes, plural) have been giving me trouble. I’m not really superstitious or anything, but there is a strange correlation between my bottom left wisdom tooth hurting and “bad things” happening. (And yes, I know, “correlation ≠ causation.”) How I came to this conclusion is a story for another time. At present, there are a plethora of potentially harmful situations around the corner.

I was unaware until this morning that there was a tropical storm headed directly toward me. If she follows her current trajectory, Bonnie will basically be the test storm we’ve been waiting for, although some scientists have already predicted what will happen. Note the statement in bold: “a storm absolutely will move the oil.” That was a cheery outcome to read about, though I suppose where the oil goes will determine whether that’s really a bad thing.

Speaking of the oil spill, there are some pretty disturbing revelations being made at the hearing on the original Deepwater Horizon explosion. I don’t even want to summarize it here… reading about all the negligence put me in a serious depression that I’m still sort of wallowing. Just read the article on the proceedings so far, if you dare.

On the good-news side of things, India has shunned MIT’s $100 computer and produced a model that costs all of $35 (USD). Now they’re working on finding a company to mass-produce them, and on designing another model that will cost only $10. I don’t know much about India, but that really impressed me. I really wish Jamaica was on that sort of track. Granted, we’re comparing apples and watermelons here, but our government could at least start to focus on technological advancement. Too bad they’re focused on a crime problem that their own predecessors had a considerable part in starting.

Still, kudos to India for managing that. In a morning of bad tidings, that one story did help me remember that there is real progress being made somewhere.

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May 2024

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